For 34 years the LPs have stood there, waiting for that day I would again visit the antique technology. Collecting dust. Perhaps mildewing, never to be heard again in glory. Now we're diminishing our householdings. Going through memorabilia, tossing the chaf from thick binders of lecture notes, reminding ourselves of our past appearance in snapshots long forgotten, listing unwanted books for sale on our Amazon storefront, donating the less valuable books to our local book fair that benefits Planned Parenthood, placing many belongings in garage sales.
In the "many hours of free time," I've decided to digitize a good portion of my LP library. I acquired a good turntable, connected to a converter to USB input, and monitor the resulting WAV files in transfer software. It's time consuming because of three parts of the activity:
- Recording the LP in real time. There's no alternative, no shortcut to playing the recording on the turntable. If the record is in lousy shape, I can decide to end the recording in the middle of things. (My house was hit by a tornado when I lived in Kansas, and I tried to salvage many LPs from the debris. Some survived well. Others...well, I wasn't so lucky.)
- Dutifully listing in my database the composer, performer, and track titles. I admit to being obsessive-compulsive here!
- Photographing the covers and any text inserts. (This portion takes the least time, with my camera on a tripod, a stable frame for the album position, and even lighting from studio lamps. The digital photos are detailed and sharp, much better than any existing images on or other sites that sell CDs.)
Bach: Goldberg Variations $18.95
Chopin: Etudes Op.10 & Op.25 $5.45
Chopin, The Poetry of the Piano; Ivan Moravec, piano $39.95
Boulez Conducts Boulez: "Le Marteau Sans Maitre",... $18.99
America Sings V: Contemporary American Choral Music After... $18.99
Ralph Kirkpatrick Bach The Well Tempered Clavier vinyl... $39.97
Johann S. Bach: Werke Fur Laute ~ Works for Lute $25.49
S Gideon: Nocturnes (Demain, Da Capo Chamber Players);... $28.00
The future listening excites me, returning to music that formed my tastes when I was in my 20s.
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